Dog Agility
My first encounter with dog agility was in the late '90s with my Cairn terrier Toto.
In 2005 I was very happy to accept the opportunity to own and operate the Australian Division of the North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC).
I have successfully trained and competed with numerous dogs over many years, a.ll having earnt many Titles and Awards. Each dog I have trained has developed the ability to successfully perform distance skills on the course. Smudge who is now retired excelled at distance skills. She is the only dog in Australia who has qualified for Challenge stakes at the Australian NADAC Nationals for several years. She has also successfully earnt two Challenge Stakes cups at the Nationals.
As my passion for distance handling and the required teamwork grew so too did the interest from other agility enthusiasts. Teaching was a natural progression and I have been teaching agility for many years now.
It gives me great joy to help others experience the fun of learning with their dogs. It is ever so special to me when a student's success with their dog takes them closer to achieving their dreams.

I offer a variety of training opportunities for my students.
- Private lessons in foundation skills
- Private lessons in distance handling skills
- Group workshops
- Seminars
- Online Courses
- Facebook Live sessions
- Training video reviews
- Zoom meeting consults
Students can join the private Facebook group and enjoy ongoing learning and support.
As a NADAC sanctioned group I also host many NADAC dog agility trials throughout the year.

Go Weave Online Course
Teach your dog to weave with my online Go Weave course. Perfect for those that cannot attend lessons in person or prefer to work at home at their own pace. The course provides;
- Written course content
- Video course content
- Video review for each learning step
- Feedback from Shirlene via email and dropbox
- Option to attend a physical lesson exclusively for Go Weave students

Facebook Live Training session
Book a 30 minute Facebook live training session with Instructor Shirlene Clark via Facetime.
All you need is a smartphone or iPad and a tripod and you can bring Instructor Shirlene Clark right into your training session in your own home. How cool is that?
Sessions are $30.00 for 30 minutes.
Shirlene will watch your training session live and provide comments to guide you during the session.
Go ahead a request a session now! If the time you requests works with my schedule then we can make it happen.
Please use the online booking system to make your appointment
New clients for Dog walking require a phone consult prior to booking.
Holiday Care bookings can not be made online.
Please call me to discuss your requirements. Mobile 0413332817